Automatic school bell using PIC Microcontroller

 Hello and welcome back to Enghme. In this project we will create a fully configurable and automated bell that can be used in schools and colleges. It is made using a microcontroller and other commonly available components, an LCD screen and a keypad.


Components of the project: 


diagram of the project:

 project code:

#define MENU_KEY 'D'
#define SAVE_EXIT '*'
#define BELL_TIME 60

// LCD module connections
sbit LCD_RS at RB7_bit;
sbit LCD_EN at RB6_bit;
sbit LCD_D4 at RB5_bit;
sbit LCD_D5 at RB4_bit;
sbit LCD_D6 at RB3_bit;
sbit LCD_D7 at RB2_bit;

sbit LCD_RS_Direction at TRISB7_bit;
sbit LCD_EN_Direction at TRISB6_bit;
sbit LCD_D4_Direction at TRISB5_bit;
sbit LCD_D5_Direction at TRISB4_bit;
sbit LCD_D6_Direction at TRISB3_bit;
sbit LCD_D7_Direction at TRISB2_bit;
// End LCD module connections

// Keypad Connections
sbit KEY_R1 at LATD0_bit;
sbit KEY_R0 at LATD1_bit;
sbit KEY_R3 at LATD6_bit;
sbit KEY_R2 at LATD7_bit;
sbit KEY_C0 at RD3_bit;
sbit KEY_C1 at RD2_bit;
sbit KEY_C2 at RD4_bit;
sbit KEY_C3 at RD5_bit;

sbit KEY_R1_Direction at TRISD0_bit;
sbit KEY_R0_Direction at TRISD1_bit;
sbit KEY_R3_Direction at TRISD6_bit;
sbit KEY_R2_Direction at TRISD7_bit;
sbit KEY_C0_Direction at TRISD3_bit;
sbit KEY_C1_Direction at TRISD2_bit;
sbit KEY_C2_Direction at TRISD4_bit;
sbit KEY_C3_Direction at TRISD5_bit;
// End Keypad Connections

void keypadInit()
KEY_C0_Direction = 1;
KEY_C1_Direction = 1;
KEY_C2_Direction = 1;
KEY_C3_Direction = 1;

KEY_R0_Direction = 0;
KEY_R1_Direction = 0;
KEY_R2_Direction = 0;
KEY_R3_Direction = 0;

KEY_R0 = 1;
KEY_R1 = 1;
KEY_R2 = 1;
KEY_R3 = 1;

unsigned readKeypad()
KEY_R0 = 0;
if(KEY_C0 == 0)
while(KEY_C0 == 0);
return 1;
else if(KEY_C1 == 0)
while(KEY_C1 == 0);
return 2;
else if(KEY_C2 == 0)
while(KEY_C2 == 0);
return 3;
else if(KEY_C3 == 0)
while(KEY_C3 == 0);
return 4;
KEY_R0 = 1;

KEY_R1 = 0;
if(KEY_C0 == 0)
while(KEY_C0 == 0);
return 5;
else if(KEY_C1 == 0)
while(KEY_C1 == 0);
return 6;
else if(KEY_C2 == 0)
while(KEY_C2 == 0);
return 7;
else if(KEY_C3 == 0)
while(KEY_C3 == 0);
return 8;

KEY_R1 = 1;

KEY_R2 = 0;
if(KEY_C0 == 0)
while(KEY_C0 == 0);
return 9;
else if(KEY_C1 == 0)
while(KEY_C1 == 0);
return 10;
else if(KEY_C2 == 0)
while(KEY_C2 == 0);
return 11;
else if(KEY_C3 == 0)
while(KEY_C3 == 0);
return 12;
KEY_R2 = 1;

KEY_R3 = 0;
if(KEY_C0 == 0)
while(KEY_C0 == 0);
return 13;
else if(KEY_C1 == 0)
while(KEY_C1 == 0);
return 14;
else if(KEY_C2 == 0)
while(KEY_C2 == 0);
return 15;
else if(KEY_C3 == 0)
while(KEY_C3 == 0);
return 16;
KEY_R3 = 1;
return 0;

unsigned readDS3231(unsigned address)
unsigned short r_data;
I2C1_Wr(0xD0); //address 0x68 followed by direction bit (0 for write, 1 for read) 0x68 followed by 0 --> 0xD0
I2C1_Wr(0xD1); //0x68 followed by 1 --> 0xD1

void writeDS3231(unsigned address,unsigned w_data)
I2C1_Start(); // issue I2C start signal
//address 0x68 followed by direction bit (0 for write, 1 for read) 0x68 followed by 0 --> 0xD0
I2C1_Wr(0xD0); // send byte via I2C (device address + W)
I2C1_Wr(address); // send byte (address of DS1307 location)
I2C1_Wr(w_data); // send data (data to be written)
I2C1_Stop(); // issue I2C stop signal

char BCD2UpperCh(unsigned bcd)
return ((char)((bcd >> 4) + '0'));

char BCD2LowerCh(unsigned bcd)
return ((char)((bcd & 0x0F) + '0'));

unsigned Binary2BCD(unsigned a)
int t1, t2;
t1 = a%10;
t1 = t1 & 0x0F;
a = a/10;
t2 = a%10;
t2 = 0x0F & t2;
t2 = t2 << 4;
t2 = 0xF0 & t2;
t1 = t1 | t2;
return t1;

unsigned BCD2Binary(unsigned a)
unsigned r,t;
t = a & 0x0F;
r = t;
a = 0xF0 & a;
t = a >> 4;
t = 0x0F & t;
r = t*10 + r;
return r;

char* getDay(unsigned d)
static char day[10];

case 0 : strcpy(day, "Set Time ");
case 1 : strcpy(day, "Sunday ");
case 2 : strcpy(day, "Monday ");
case 3 : strcpy(day, "Tuesday ");
case 4 : strcpy(day, "Wednesday");
case 5 : strcpy(day, "Thursday ");
case 6 : strcpy(day, "Friday ");
case 7 : strcpy(day, "Saturday ");
default : strcpy(day, "INVALID ");
return day;

char decodeKeys(unsigned key)
case 1 : return '6';
case 2 : return '=';
case 3 : return '3';
case 4 : return '9'; //Not Available in 4x3 Keypad
case 5 : return '*';
case 6 : return '+';
case 7 : return '-';
case 8 : return '/'; //Not Available in 4x3 Keypad
case 9 : return '5';
case 10 : return '0';
case 11 : return '2';
case 12 : return '8'; //Not Available in 4x3 Keypad
case 13 : return '4';
case 14 : return 'N';
case 15 : return '1';
case 16 : return '7'; //Not Availabale in 4x3 Keypad
default : return 0;

void main()
unsigned second, minute, hour, hr, day, dday, month, year, bellHour, bellMinute, hourB, minuteB, ls, bt, btLatch;
unsigned menu = 0, mode = 0, mt, temp, temp2, normalBC, examBC, flag, ah = 0, am = 0, maxBell = 0, bs = 0, bc = 0, bellActive = 0, bellCnt = 0;
char kp;
char time[] = "00:00:00 ";
char date[] = "00-00-00 ";

ADCON1 = 0x0F;
TRISA.F0 = 0;
LATA.F0 = 0;
I2C1_Init(90000); //DS1307 I2C is running at 50KHz


Lcd_Init(); // Initialize LCD
Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CLEAR); // Clear display
Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CURSOR_OFF); // Cursor off

Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CLEAR); // Clear display
Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CURSOR_OFF); // Cursor off

if(EEPROM_Read(0) == 0xAA)
normalBC = EEPROM_Read(1);
examBC = EEPROM_Read(128);
normalBC = 0;
examBC = 0;
EEPROM_Write(1, 0);
EEPROM_Write(128, 0);
EEPROM_Write(0, 0xAA);

bt = 0;

second = readDS3231(0);
minute = readDS3231(1);
hour = readDS3231(2);
hr = hour & 0b00111111;
dday = readDS3231(3);
day = readDS3231(4);
month = readDS3231(5);
year = readDS3231(6);

hourB = BCD2Binary(hour);
minuteB = BCD2Binary(minute);

time[0] = BCD2UpperCh(hr);
time[1] = BCD2LowerCh(hr);
time[3] = BCD2UpperCh(minute);
time[4] = BCD2LowerCh(minute);
time[6] = BCD2UpperCh(second);
time[7] = BCD2LowerCh(second);

date[0] = BCD2UpperCh(day);
date[1] = BCD2LowerCh(day);
date[3] = BCD2UpperCh(month);
date[4] = BCD2LowerCh(month);
date[6] = BCD2UpperCh(year);
date[7] = BCD2LowerCh(year);

if(bs == 0)
if(mode == 0) //Normal Mode
if(dday != 6) //If Not Friday
bt = EEPROM_Read(bc*3 + 2);
if(bt == 0xAA)
bt = 2;
bt = 1;

bellHour = EEPROM_Read(bc*3 + 3);
bellMinute = EEPROM_Read(bc*3 + 4);
else //If Friday
bt = EEPROM_Read(bc*3 + 65);
if(bt == 0xAA)
bt = 2;
bt = 1;
bellHour = EEPROM_Read(bc*3 + 66);
bellMinute = EEPROM_Read(bc*3 + 67);
maxBell = normalBC;
else if(mode == 1)
if(dday != 6) //If Not Friday
bt = EEPROM_Read(129 + bc*3);
if(bt == 0xAA)
bt = 2;
bt = 1;
bellHour = EEPROM_Read(130 + bc*3);
bellMinute = EEPROM_Read(131 + bc*3);
else //If Friday
bt = EEPROM_Read(191 + bc*3);
if(bt == 0xAA)
bt = 2;
bt = 1;
bellHour = EEPROM_Read(192 + bc*3);
bellMinute = EEPROM_Read(193 + bc*3);
maxBell = examBC;
if(bellHour < hourB)
else if(bellMinute <= minuteB)
bs = 1;

if(bc > maxBell)
bc = 0;
if(hourB >= bellHour)
if(minuteB >= bellMinute)
bellActive = 1;
btLatch = bt;
bs = 0;

if(bellActive == 1)
LATA.F0 = 1;
if(bellCnt > (BELL_TIME * btLatch))
bellActive = 0;
bellCnt = 0;
LATA.F0 = 0;
bellCnt = 0;

kp = decodeKeys(readKeypad()); //Read Keypad

if(kp == MENU_KEY) //Menu Selection via * button
mt = 0;
if(menu > 5)
menu = 0;
else if(isdigit(kp)) //If numberic value press
flag = 1;
else if(kp == SAVE_EXIT) //Exit or Change Mode when # Pressed
menu = 0; //Exit settings
mode = !mode; //Change Mode
mt = 0;

if(menu == 0)
Lcd_out(1, 6, time);
if(mode == 0)
Lcd_out(2, 1, "NORMAL:");
Lcd_out(2, 1, "EXAM :");

Lcd_out(2, 8, getDay(dday));
else if(menu == 1) //Set Time
Lcd_Out(1, 1, "Set Time ");
Lcd_Out(2, 1, "Time: ");
Lcd_Out(2, 7, time);
if(mt && kp)
if(mt == 1 && kp < '3')
hour = 0x3F & BCD2Binary(hr);
temp = hour % 10;
hour = (kp - 48)*10 + temp;
if(hour > 23)
hour = 23;
hour = Binary2BCD(hour);
hour = hour & 0x3F;
writeDS3231(2, hour);
else if(mt == 2)
hour = 0x3F & BCD2Binary(hr);
hour = hour/10;
hour = hour*10 + (kp - 48);
hour = hour & 0x3F;
if(hour < 24)
hour = Binary2BCD(hour);
writeDS3231(2, hour);
else if(mt == 3 && kp < '6')
minute = BCD2Binary(minute);
temp = minute % 10;

minute = (kp - 48)*10 + temp;
minute = Binary2BCD(minute);
writeDS3231(1, minute);
else if(mt == 4)
minute = BCD2Binary(minute);
minute = minute/10;
minute = minute*10 + (kp - 48);
if(minute < 60)
minute = Binary2BCD(minute);
writeDS3231(1, minute);
else if(mt == 5)
second = 0;
writeDS3231(0, second);
menu = 0;
mt = 0;
else if(menu == 2) // Set Date
Lcd_Out(1, 1, "Set Date ");
Lcd_Out(2, 1, "Date: ");
Lcd_Out(2, 7, date);

if(mt && kp)
if(mt == 1 && kp < '4')
day = BCD2Binary(day);
temp = day % 10;
day = (kp - 48)*10 + temp;
day = Binary2BCD(day);
writeDS3231(4, day);
else if(mt == 2)
day = BCD2Binary(day);
day = day/10;
day = day*10 + (kp - 48);
if(day < 32 && day > 0)
day = Binary2BCD(day);
writeDS3231(4, day);
else if(mt == 3 && kp < '2')
month = BCD2Binary(month);
temp = month % 10;
month = (kp - 48)*10 + temp;
month = Binary2BCD(month);
writeDS3231(5, month);
else if(mt == 4)
month = BCD2Binary(month);
month = month/10;
month = month*10 + (kp - 48);
if(month < 13 && month > 0)
month = Binary2BCD(month);
writeDS3231(5, month);
else if(mt == 5)
year = BCD2Binary(year);
temp = year % 10;
year = (kp - 48)*10 + temp;
year = Binary2BCD(year);
writeDS3231(6, year);
else if(mt == 6)
year = BCD2Binary(year);
year = year/10;
year = year*10 + (kp - 48);
year = Binary2BCD(year);
writeDS3231(6, year);
menu = 0;
mt = 0;
else if(menu == 3) // Set Day
Lcd_Out(1, 1, "Set Day, SUN 1~7");
Lcd_Out(2, 1, "Day : ");
Lcd_out(2, 7, getDay(dday));

if(mt <= 1)
if(flag == 1)
if(kp > '0' && kp < '8')
writeDS3231(3, (unsigned short)((kp - 48)));
bs = 0;
bc = 0;
mt = 0;
menu = 0;
else if(menu == 4) //Normal Bell
Lcd_Out(1, 1, "Set Normal Bell ");

if(mt < 3)
Lcd_Out(2, 1, "Total Bells: ");
Lcd_Chr(2, 15, (char)(normalBC%10) + 48);
Lcd_Chr(2, 14, (char)((normalBC/10)%10) + 48);
if(mt == 1)
if(flag && kp < '2')
normalBC = ((kp - 48)*10) + normalBC%10;
EEPROM_Write(1, normalBC);
flag = 0;
bs = 0;
bc = 0;
else if(mt == 2)
temp = ((normalBC/10)*10) + (kp - 48);
if(temp < 17)
normalBC = temp;
EEPROM_Write(1, normalBC);
flag = 0;
bs = 0;
bc = 0;
else if(mt <= (2 + normalBC*6)) //Normal Not Friday
temp = ((mt - 3)/6);
temp2 = ((mt - 3)%6);
if(temp <= normalBC)
if(temp2 == 0)
ls = EEPROM_Read(temp*3 + 2);
ah = EEPROM_Read(temp*3 + 3);
am = EEPROM_Read(temp*3 + 4);
flag = 0;
else if(temp2 == 1)
if(kp == '1')
ls = 0xAA;
ls = 0x00;
EEPROM_Write((temp*3 + 2), ls);
flag = 0;
bs = 0;
bc = 0;
else if(temp2 == 2)
ah = ((kp - 48)*10) + ah%10;
flag = 0;
EEPROM_Write(((temp*3) + 3), ah);
bs = 0;
bc = 0;
else if(temp2 == 3)
ah = ((ah/10)*10) + (kp - 48);
flag = 0;
EEPROM_Write(((temp*3) + 3), ah);
bs = 0;
bc = 0;
else if(temp2 == 4)
am = ((kp - 48)*10) + am%10;
flag = 0;
EEPROM_Write(((temp*3) + 4), am);
bs = 0;
bc = 0;
else if(temp2 == 5)
am = ((am/10)*10) + (kp - 48);
flag = 0;
EEPROM_Write(((temp*3) + 4), am);
bs = 0;
bc = 0;
Lcd_Out(2, 1, "NDbell : - ");
Lcd_Chr(2, 8, (temp%10) + 48);
Lcd_Chr(2, 7, (temp/10) + 48);
if(ls == 0xAA)
Lcd_Chr(2, 10, 'L');
Lcd_Chr(2, 10, 'S');

Lcd_Chr(2, 12, (ah/10) + 48);
Lcd_Chr(2, 13, (ah%10) + 48);

Lcd_Chr(2, 15, (am/10) + 48);
Lcd_Chr(2, 16, (am%10) + 48);
mt = 0;
menu = 0;
else if(mt <= (2 + 2*normalBC*6)) //Normal Friday
temp = ((mt - 3 - normalBC*6)/6);
temp2 = ((mt - 3)%6);
if(temp <= normalBC)
if(temp2 == 0)
ls = EEPROM_Read(temp*3 + 65);
ah = EEPROM_Read(temp*3 + 66);
am = EEPROM_Read(temp*3 + 67);
flag = 0;
else if(temp2 == 1)
if(kp == '1')
ls = 0xAA;
ls = 0x00;
EEPROM_Write(temp*3 + 65, ls);
flag = 0;
bs = 0;
bc = 0;
else if(temp2 == 2)
ah = ((kp - 48)*10) + ah%10;
flag = 0;
EEPROM_Write(temp*3 + 66, ah);
bs = 0;
bc = 0;
else if(temp2 == 3)
ah = ((ah/10)*10) + (kp - 48);
flag = 0;
EEPROM_Write(temp*3 + 66, ah);
bs = 0;
bc = 0;
else if(temp2 == 4)
am = ((kp - 48)*10) + am%10;
flag = 0;
EEPROM_Write((temp*3 + 67), am);
bs = 0;
bc = 0;
else if(temp2 == 5)
am = ((am/10)*10) + (kp - 48);
flag = 0;
EEPROM_Write((temp*3 + 67), am);
bs = 0;
bc = 0;
mt = 0;
menu = 0;
Lcd_Out(2, 1, "FDbell : - ");
Lcd_Chr(2, 8, (temp%10) + 48);
Lcd_Chr(2, 7, (temp/10) + 48);
if(ls == 0xAA)
Lcd_Chr(2, 10, 'L');
Lcd_Chr(2, 10, 'S');

Lcd_Chr(2, 12, (ah/10) + 48);
Lcd_Chr(2, 13, (ah%10) + 48);

Lcd_Chr(2, 15, (am/10) + 48);
Lcd_Chr(2, 16, (am%10) + 48);
mt = 0;
menu = 0;
else if(menu == 5) //Exam Bell
Lcd_Out(1, 1, "Set Exam Bell ");

if(mt < 3)
Lcd_Out(2, 1, "Total Bells: ");
Lcd_Chr(2, 15, (char)(examBC%10) + 48);
Lcd_Chr(2, 14, (char)((examBC/10)%10) + 48);
if(mt == 1)
if(flag && kp < '2')
examBC = ((kp - 48)*10) + examBC%10;
EEPROM_Write(128, examBC);
flag = 0;
bs = 0;
bc = 0;
else if(mt == 2)
temp = ((examBC/10)*10) + (kp - 48);
if(temp < 17)
examBC = temp;
EEPROM_Write(128, examBC);
flag = 0;
bs = 0;
bc = 0;
else if(mt <= (2 + examBC*6))
temp = ((mt - 3)/6);
temp2 = ((mt - 3)%6);
if(temp <= examBC)
if(temp2 == 0)
ls = EEPROM_Read(129 + temp*3);
ah = EEPROM_Read(130 + temp*3);
am = EEPROM_Read(131 + temp*3);
flag = 0;
else if(temp2 == 1)
if(kp == '1')
ls = 0xAA;
ls = 0x00;
EEPROM_Write(temp*3 + 129, ls);
flag = 0;
bs = 0;
bc = 0;
else if(temp2 == 2)
ah = ((kp - 48)*10) + ah%10;
flag = 0;
EEPROM_Write((130 + temp*3), ah);
bs = 0;
bc = 0;
else if(temp2 == 3)
ah = ((ah/10)*10) + (kp - 48);
flag = 0;
EEPROM_Write((130 + temp*3), ah);
bs = 0;
bc = 0;
else if(temp2 == 4)
am = ((kp - 48)*10) + am%10;
flag = 0;
EEPROM_Write((131 + temp*3), am);
bs = 0;
bc = 0;
else if(temp2 == 5)
am = ((am/10)*10) + (kp - 48);
flag = 0;
EEPROM_Write((131 + temp*3), am);
bs = 0;
bc = 0;
Lcd_Out(2, 1, "NDbell : - ");
Lcd_Chr(2, 8, (temp%10) + 48);
Lcd_Chr(2, 7, (temp/10) + 48);
if(ls == 0xAA)
Lcd_Chr(2, 10, 'L');
Lcd_Chr(2, 10, 'S');

Lcd_Chr(2, 12, (ah/10) + 48);
Lcd_Chr(2, 13, (ah%10) + 48);

Lcd_Chr(2, 15, (am/10) + 48);
Lcd_Chr(2, 16, (am%10) + 48);
mt = 0;
menu = 0;
else if(mt <= (2 + 2*examBC*6))
temp = ((mt - 3 - examBC*6)/6);
temp2 = ((mt - 3)%6);
if(temp <= examBC)
if(temp2 == 0)
ls = EEPROM_Read(191 + temp*3);
ah = EEPROM_Read(192 + temp*3);
am = EEPROM_Read(193 + temp*3);
flag = 0;
else if(temp2 == 1)
if(kp == '1')
ls = 0xAA;
ls = 0x00;
EEPROM_Write((191 + temp*3), ls);
flag = 0;
bs = 0;
bc = 0;
else if(temp2 == 2)
ah = ((kp - 48)*10) + ah%10;
flag = 0;
EEPROM_Write((192 + temp*3), ah);
bs = 0;
bc = 0;
else if(temp2 == 3)
ah = ((ah/10)*10) + (kp - 48);
flag = 0;
EEPROM_Write((192 + temp*3), ah);
bs = 0;
bc = 0;
else if(temp2 == 4)
am = ((kp - 48)*10) + am%10;
flag = 0;
EEPROM_Write((193 + temp*3), am);
bs = 0;
bc = 0;
else if(temp2 == 5)
am = ((am/10)*10) + (kp - 48);
flag = 0;
EEPROM_Write((193 + temp*3), am);
bs = 0;
bc = 0;
mt = 0;
menu = 0;
Lcd_Out(2, 1, "FDbell : - ");
Lcd_Chr(2, 8, (temp%10) + 48);
Lcd_Chr(2, 7, (temp/10) + 48);
if(ls == 0xAA)
Lcd_Chr(2, 10, 'L');
Lcd_Chr(2, 10, 'S');

Lcd_Chr(2, 12, (ah/10) + 48);
Lcd_Chr(2, 13, (ah%10) + 48);

Lcd_Chr(2, 15, (am/10) + 48);
Lcd_Chr(2, 16, (am%10) + 48);
mt = 0;
menu = 0;

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