How to Use the Audio Generator in Proteus: A Step-by-Step Guide

 Proteus is a popular software used for designing and simulating electronic circuits. One of the useful features of Proteus is the ability to generate audio signals for testing and analysis of audio circuits.

In this article, we will guide you through the steps to use the audio generator in Proteus.

Step 1: Launch Proteus Open Proteus software on your computer. If you do not have Proteus installed on your computer, you can download it from the official website.

Step 2: Create a New Project Create a new project in Proteus by clicking on "File" in the menu bar, then select "New Project". Give your project a name and save it.

Step 3: Add Audio Generator to the Schematic To add an audio generator to the schematic, click on "P" in the toolbar or select "Place Component" from the menu bar. In the component library window, search for "Audio Generator" or navigate to "Sources" and select "Audio Generator".

Step 4: Connect the Audio Generator to the Circuit Place the audio generator on the schematic, and connect it to the circuit by clicking on "W" in the toolbar or select "Place Wire" from the menu bar. Connect the audio generator's output to the input of the circuit you want to test.

Step 5: Configure the Audio Generator Double-click on the audio generator to configure its parameters. You can set the frequency, amplitude, waveform, and other parameters of the audio signal. You can also select the type of audio waveform you want to generate, such as sine wave, square wave, triangle wave, and sawtooth wave.

Step 6: Simulate the Circuit Once you have connected the audio generator to the circuit and configured its parameters, you can simulate the circuit by clicking on "Run" in the toolbar or select "Run the Simulation" from the menu bar. This will open the Proteus Simulator, where you can observe the output waveform on the oscilloscope.

Step 7: Analyze the Output Waveform Analyze the output waveform on the oscilloscope to verify the performance of the circuit. You can measure the amplitude, frequency, and other parameters of the output waveform using the measurement tools provided in Proteus.

Download simulation 

 Play the animation to hear the noise out in real time to the speaker.

You may also change the value of BANDWIDTH property (in the *DEFINE block)
to reduce/increase the noise frequecy bandwidth. You may also change the
sample frequency in the SCRIPT at the line TIME FREQ=100us.

If you've got a slow PC or you increase the sample frequency then you may
run an audio analysis to hear the noise off-line.

The Noise level can be modified by changing the voltage values at VREF+ and
VREF- of the DAC1.


Using an audio generator in Proteus can save time and effort in testing and analyzing audio circuits. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can add an audio generator to your schematic, configure its parameters, and simulate the circuit to observe the output waveform. With the help of Proteus, you can design and test audio circuits more efficiently and accurately.

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