[PDF] Programmable Logic Controllers For Beginner [TECKHME]

Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) are digital computers used to control industrial processes, such as manufacturing and production lines, assembly processes, and machinery. They are designed to replace relay-based control systems and have become the industry standard for process control and automation.

A PLC consists of a central processing unit (CPU), input/output (I/O) modules, memory, and a programming interface. The CPU continuously scans the inputs, executes the control program, and updates the outputs. The control program is typically written in a high-level programming language, such as Ladder Logic, Function Block Diagram, or Structured Text, and stored in the memory of the PLC.

PLCs have many advantages over traditional control systems, including improved reliability, increased accuracy, and easier maintenance. They can also be programmed to respond to changing process conditions, making them well suited for use in dynamic and complex industrial processes.

PLCs are widely used in industries such as automotive, food and beverage, chemical, and oil and gas. They are also used in building automation systems, such as heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) control, lighting control, and fire safety systems. 

Technological advances in recent years have led to the development of Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs), which have sparked a revolution in control technology. This book is an introduction to PLCs, designed to help practicing engineers who are new to PLCs complete their tasks. It also offers foundation courses for undergraduates such as the British National English Technician Course and the Higher National Course
Engineering, which provides a full curriculum for national and higher national engineering units, as well as an on-the-job training program and serves as an introduction to first-year undergraduate engineering courses

The book consists of 14 chapters, including:


+ Chapter 1: Programmable Logic Controllers


+ Chapter 2: Input/Output Devices


+ Chapter 3: Number Systems


+ Chapter 4: I/O Handling


+ Chapter 5: Ladder Diagram and Function Blocks


+ Chapter 6: IL, SFC and ST programming methods


+ Chapter 7: Internal Relays


+ Chapter8: Jump call


+ Chapter 9: Timers


+ Chapter 10: Counters


+ Chapter 11: Shift Registers


+ Chapter 12: Data Processing


+ Chapter 13: Designing Systems


+ Chapter 14: Procedures

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